Beauty Oil

The evolution of my beauty routine over the past few years has gone from what can I easily find at Target to a meticulous routine based on my needs. For one thing, I’m not as young as I used to be… obviously! My skincare needs have changed in my later twenties and I no longer avoid investing in higher quality products. I’m not saying you still can’t find great products at Target, because you can! But I have found a few tried and true that are worth the investment for me. On the list of things worth the investment: beauty oil.

I have resisted anything with the word “oil” in the description for years. I have an oily T-zone and my hair gets oily at the end of the day so I always thought I don’t need any product that is going to give me more oil. This changed a couple of years ago when I was recommended a couple of products by my hairdresser to help combat my split ends. I tried this hair oil and was hooked! Flash forward to today and I still use this oil occasionally but have turned to Moroccanoil products. I try to keep the brands consistent when I can because, after all, they are designed to work together.

Beauty Oil – Hair

Even though my hair can be extremely oily at the roots, the ends are very dry and frizzy. I recently started using Moroccanoil shampoo and conditioner, followed by the Moroccanoil Treatment when I get out of the shower. I bought the Fleur d’Oranger because the Fluer de Rose was out of stock, but that will be what I pick up next. I’m not crazy about the Fleur d’Oranger scent since I prefer anything rose scented, but my hair is so much smoother and healthier. Making a switch to a good shampoo and conditioner have been a game changer for me. It is definitely an area that is worth spending a little more money.

Beauty Oil – Face

Another area I resisted adding any oil was in my skincare routine. I can’t tell you how many years I was dealing with my skin being dry because of the products I was using to try to control my acne. One day a few years ago, I was getting my makeup done in Nordstrom and whatever toner the makeup artist used to cleanse my face before applying the makeup starting stinging! I told her what was happening and she said it was because my skin was dry. That was the first time I realized I have “combination” skin. An oil T-zone with dry skin on my cheeks and jaw line.

When I started testing out different skincare brands I realized how well applying a beauty oil helps to regulate the overall moisture on my face. Better than most moisturizer! I shared my favorite beauty oil in this post and the clean makeup line I apply over it. The RMS Beauty Oil is a clean product and makes my skin glow. Since it is a “must have” item for me I can go through a bottle quickly so I have found an alternative that I use before bed. The RMS Beauty Oil contains jojoba oil which is a natural anti-inflammatory. So I picked up a bottle of jojoba oil from Whole Foods that I apply with a tad of aloe vera after I cleanse my face. This has really helped reduce the amount of redness that appears on my cheeks.

Beauty Oil – Body

My body is one area that I have always liked to use oil, especially coconut oil. I am not a fan of lotion because it feels to heavy and creamy, especially after I get out of the shower. So a fast absorbing oil is my preferred method of moisturizing. Even though I prefer oil, I am not the best at making sure I apply something after a shower. Because of this I deal with Keratosis Pilaris which is the appearance of tiny red bumps on my arms due to dryness. I am still working on finding the best solution for this, but exfoliation and moisture are very important when treating KP. The Herbivore Coco Rose Coconut Oil Body Polish is the best exfoliant I have found that keeps my skin feeling moisturized at the same time. I follow-up with a rose scented (I told you – anything rose!) body oil to help keep my skin from drying out.

If you are interested in how I incorporate beauty oil with my other products you can see my current morning and nighttime routines below. This includes all of my other products that I currently using.


Morning Routine

In Shower 

Morrocanoil Shampoo and Conditioner

Herbivore Coco Rose body polish

Herbivore Detoxifying Soap Bar (recent purchase)

After Shower

Ouai Body Oil – all over damp skin

Moroccanoil Treatment on damp hair (ends only)

Moroccanoil Mending Infusion on dry hair (only when split ends are showing)


Cleanse skin – currently using Fresh Soy Face Cleanser

Tone – currently using Thayers Witch Hazel Toner. Love this toner!

RMS Beauty Oil – Pro Tip: using the jade roller helps the oil absorb into your skin faster and better!

Followed by my RMS makeup

Nighttime Routine


Remove makeup – currently using Farmacy Makeup Meltaway

Cleanse skin – (same as morning) I recently purchased La Mer Cleansing Foam to replace the Fresh Soy Face Cleanser since I have not found it to be a strong enough cleanser for my skin. I will report back on the La Mer Cleansing Foam after I have used it with this routine.

Exfoliate 3x per week – Fresh Sugar Face Exfoliator

Tone – Thayers Witch Hazel Toner

Moisturize – I alternate between the following two options depending on my skin’s needs. If my skin is looking dull I will apply the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask and sleep with the mask on. If I am breaking out I will use a pea-sized amount of aloe vera with a couple of drops of jojoba oil and dab on my skin.

Acne – Glamglow Supermud Treatment mask a couple of times a week. Helps clear my blackheads and breakouts.


Coconut Oil hair mask – When my hair is excessively dry I have done a coconut hair mask overnight. On dry hair I apply about a table-spoon (maybe more depending on how much hair you have) of raw coconut oil to my hair. Concentrating on the ends. Then I toss my hair into a topknot and lay a towel over my pillow. I sleep with the coconut oil on my hair all night. The next morning I shower first thing, washing my hair several times to avoid looking greasy. I recommend using a pre-wash before the shampoo to break up the oil.

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  1. Taylor wrote:

    Until recently I always felt the same way about oils and thought since my hair and skin is naturally oily that I should avoid any type of oil. But then I started using a few of these same products and absolutely LOVE them! The MoroccanOil is my favorite! As for the KP, I have that too so I will definitely have to try that exfoliator and oil. Thanks for sharing Bryn!

    Posted 8.29.18
    • wrote:

      Thanks Taylor! Moroccanoil is such great stuff! And for the KP I just bought the detoxifying soap bar because all of the reviews say it’s amazing for KP. But the exfoliating and oils make such a big difference! XO Bryn

      Posted 8.29.18
  2. Caroline wrote:

    I LOVE how you outlined your whole routine here! I’ve been a longtime moroccan oil addict, but finally just started to get on board with face oils and it’s been life changing – though I haven’t found ‘the one’ yet, so I definitely need to try out the RMS one you use!

    xx Caroline

    Posted 8.29.18
    • wrote:

      Who doesn’t love Moroccanoil?! And I’ve used a few but the RMS is definitely my fav! Smells a little funny but it absorbs quickly! XO Bryn

      Posted 8.29.18
  3. Victoria wrote:

    I love this post! I also recently did a post on using oils on my face for a nighttime routine and we actually use the same products! I found jojoba oil and aloe vera gel amazing for combatting dryness but also freshening my skin in the morning. It is amazing what a simple change of products can do for your skin!
    xx Victoria

    Posted 8.29.18
    • wrote:

      That’s so cool that you use it too! It really is such a great combo! Simple is good! XO Bryn

      Posted 8.29.18
  4. Jen wrote:

    Isn’t it funny? I wouldn’t touch oils with a ten-foot pole when I was younger because of my oily, acne-prone skin. But integrating an oil into my skincare routine is one of the best things I’ve done for my skin! And Bryn! My sister has KP and tried everything to treat it. I read reviews on Lush’s Buffy Body Butter and picked it up for her–and it worked! Might be worth looking into if you haven’t already. x

    Jen | On the Street Where We Live

    Posted 9.1.18
    • wrote:

      It really is funny! And that’s amazing! Thank you I will try it! XO Bryn

      Posted 9.1.18

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