Category: Blogging Tips

Great Expectations

I have thinking a lot lately about “great expectations.” No, not the Charles Dickens novel, but how we all think something should turn out. I think we are all guilty of building something up in our mind before we even…

How I Create A Cohesive Brand

Today I am continuing with my blogging theme in honor of Waketon Road’s one year anniversary. Over the year I have gotten questions from people regarding photography, editing and creating a cohesive brand. This is all a work in progress and…

The First Year

It has officially been one year since I published my first blog post and I can’t even explain how crazy that sounds to me. I feel like I have grown so much over the last year, both with the blog…

The Truth About Blogging

Happy Monday everyone! Today’s post is a little different but I wanted to share a few thoughts I had this weekend. I am quickly approaching my one year blogiversary (more on that to come) and I have a few thoughts I…